College Essay and Resume Prep


Our College Essay and Resume program will help you stand out in a crowd.

There are thousands of students vying for the same admissions spot, many with similar GPAs and SAT/ACT scores. With nearly 20 years of experience in helping thousands of students into college, we know how to showcase a student’s best attributes and to make them stand out from the rest.

Throughout high school, you have done all the right things… you took the right classes, you earned the right grades, you took the SAT and ACT. Unfortunately, so have thousands of other students. So, how can your application stand out? Simple. It’s not about what you say in your essays and resume, but rather how you say it.

At Educational Pursuit, our expert writers have helped over 10,000 students submit not just a good essay, but a winning essay. And, instead of crafting a mediocre resume, they now have a resume that truly shines. The difference is that we know what the admissions officers are looking for, and we know how to help students convey this in their application essays and resume.


During the essay sessions, our counselors:

  • Help students decide on the best idea for each essay topic
  • “Interview” students to get their general thoughts on paper
  • Outline the essay structure to make it flow
  • Sit with the student during the initial writing process to provide guidance
  • Proofread and edit the essay through each of its drafts until it is perfect


During the resume creating sessions, our counselors:

  • Instruct the student in what the colleges are looking for and facilitate the entire process
  • Design a personalized outline to showcase the student’s strengths
  • Help the student find and list his or her best attributes
  • Assist the student while creating a rough draft of the resume
  • Proofread and edit the resume until it illustrates the student in the best light possible

The best time to begin the application process is between June and August of a student’s junior year. We begin scheduling appointments at the beginning of March, and we fill up quickly. Book early so you don’t miss the opportunity to meet with an experienced counselor.


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