Deadlines are coming! Don’t forget to sign up for your SAT and ACT exams!
SAT test dates and deadlines
SAT test dates:
- March 8, 2014
- May 3, 2014
- June 7, 2014
Regular deadline:
- February 8, 2014
- April 4, 2014
- May 9, 2014
Late-fee deadline:
- February 21, 2014
- April 18, 2014
- May 23, 2014
How to register for the SAT:
- First, go online to this link.
- Apply for the test date and the test center where you would like to take the test
- Note: Stand-by testing has been eliminated by College Board. Students who miss the deadline may still test by waitlist. For information about registering for the waitlist, check out this link.
- You must submit a photo with your registration for the SAT. The photo you provide will become part of your Admission Ticket. Simply follow the instructions on how to upload a photo from the College Board website.
To register for the SAT with accommodations:
If you have testing accommodations such as extra time, please make sure to enter the accommodations code given to you from your school ESE coordinator. For more information, or to register online, visit this link.
To register for the SAT with a FEE Waiver:
If you are eligible for a fee waiver, make sure you enter the appropriate code so that your test is free. Students who qualify for the Federal Free of Reduced Lunch Plan at school, or who meet other criteria, are eligible for up to 2 free SAT exams and 2 SAT Subject Tests, as well as up to 4 college applications. To learn more about if you qualify for a fee waiver, visit this link.
ACT test dates and deadlines
Test Date:
- April 12, 2014
- June 14, 2014
Sunday test:
- April 13, 2014
- June 15, 2014
Regular Deadline:
- March 7, 2014
- May 9, 2014
Late deadline:
- March 21, 2014
- May 10–23, 2014
How to register for the ACT:
Students may register online at: this link. I suggest that you allow at least 20 minutes prior to registering since they will ask you a multitude of questions about your high school courses and grades prior to allowing you to pick a test date and center.
Photo ID is also required now when registering for the ACT. For information on how to upload the photos, click on this link.
To register for ACT with accommodations:
There are two kinds of accommodations for ACT testing. One is the extended time and the other is to take the test over multiple days. The appropriate accommodation will be determined by your ESE coordinator and the ACT depending on the disability. For more information, visit this link.
To register for the ACT with a FEE Waiver:
If you are eligible for a fee waiver, make sure you enter the appropriate code so that your test is free. Students who qualify for the Federal Free of Reduced Lunch Plan at school, or who meet other criteria, are eligible for up to 2 free ACT exams. To learn more about if you qualify for a fee waiver, visit this link.
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