What makes the Educational Pursuit classes the best
Strategies that REALLY work!
- How to read the passages without “reading”
- The 3 ways to get “unstuck” on math questions
- 6 steps to becoming a Grammar Guru
- A perfectly easy way to write the perfect SAT essay
- How to finish with time left
Expert teachers with Master’s Degrees in Education!
Techniques to learn vocabulary quickly!
Practice with real SAT exams!
FREE Computer Skills Lab for all students, all year!
Our next SAT Boot Camps begin:
- Weston location (at Sagemont Upper School)
Thursdays, March 13th from 3:30-5:30
- Cooper City/ Davie location (College Pursuit office, 8688 Griffin Road)
Sundays, March 15th from 10:00 a.m. to noon
Tuesdays, March 17th from 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Our next ACT Prep Class begins:
- Cooper City/ Davie location (College Pursuit office, 8688 Griffin Road)
Wednesdays, March 5th from 4:00- 6:00 p.m.
To register, visit www.collegepursuit.net or call us at (954-652-0220).
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